Nørmark Privathospital

man-torsdag 7:30 til 16:00
fredag 7:30 til 14:30


Vi lægger vægt på kvalitet, grundighed og omsorg i en hyggelig atmosfære

Ahmed Gad - CV

  • 1988-1995
    • M.B,B.Ch (Cand. Med.) Grade ”VERY GOOD WITH HONOUR” Ain Shams University, Cairo
  • 1995 – 1996
    • Ain Shams University Hospital, Cairo
  • 1997-1998
    • Haderslev Hospital, Department of Medicine
  • 1998-1999
    • Næstved Hospital, Department of Surgery
  •  2000
    • Authorization as a Physician, National board of Health, Denmark
  • 2001
    • Permission to Practice Independently as a Physician (Full Registration), National Board of Health, Denmark
  • 2001-2002
    • Herlev Hospital, Department of Oncology
  • 2002-2003
    • Glostrup Hospital, Department of Radiology
  • 2003-2004
    • Køge Hospital, Department of Radiology
  • 2004-2006
    • Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Radiology
  • 2006
    • Gentofte Hospital, Department of Radiology
  • 2006-2007
    • Herlev Hospital, Department of Radiology
  • 2007-2008
    • Glostrup Hospital, Department of Radiology
  • 2008
    • Speciallæge i radiologi, National Board of Health, Denmark
  •  2008-2009
    • Glostrup Hospital, Specialist, Department of Radiology
  • 2009-2011
    • Herlev Hospital, Specialist, Department of Radiology
  • 2012-2015
    • Slagelse Hospital, Consultant, Department of Radiology
  • 2015
    • Glostrup Hospital, Consultant, Department of Radiology

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